2425-0507 500mL,LDPE去離子水標示洗瓶,6s/pkg,24s/cs


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  • Polypropylene or high-density polyethylene closure; polypropylene copolymer fill tube
  • Self-venting, so contents stay in bottle; prevents self-dispensing
  • Chemical name, International Chemical Society (ICS) chemical formula and Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number printed on bottle for easy identification
  • Color bar that corresponds to colored closure to prevent cross-contamination
  • Designed to dispense through the top with a closure and stem molded in one piece for uniform service
  • Tip that can be cut back to increase flow
  • Tight fit of draw tube and closure that prevents separation when squeezing bottle

Ordering Information:

Available in packs of the same 16 or 32 oz. (500 or 1000mL) bottle, or in a five-bottle (16 oz./500mL only) assortment pack consisting of one each acetone, ethyl alcohol, isopropanol, methanol and distilled water.

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