2189-0008 250mL,HDPE廣口樣品瓶,72s/cs


Promotion for this product

  • Linerless polypropylene caps ensure leakproof† performance without a liner that can wrinkle, cause leaks and contaminate your solutions
  • Recommended for sample collection and storage of daily working solutions
  • Participates in My Green Lab's ACT Label program for Accountability, Consistency and Transparency (ACT) around evaluating product sustainability
  • Leakproof† when used with Nalgene closures
  • Bottle and carton are readily recyclable in most communities
  • Manufactured from non-toxic materials

Recycling Information:Nalgene reusable HDPE bottles are designed to last many years under typical laboratory conditions. Yet, as with all durable products, they need to be retired and replaced eventually.  Nalgene HDPE bottles and their packaging are readily recyclable. Please recycle the corrugate cartons and LDPE bags in which your Nalgene bottles products are packaged. And at end of product life, please wash and recycle your Nalgene HDPE bottles.

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